Un lugar que te cambia la vida: Relevancia antropológica de las emociones ante la muerte, desde la perspectiva de los empleados del cementerio San Vicente, Córdoba, Argentina


A place that changes your life: Anthropological relevance of emotions in the face of death, from the perspective of the employees of the San Vicente cemetery, Córdoba, Argentina

   In this article I investigate from an ethnographic perspective, the emotions that arise in a group of employees of the San Vicente cemetery (located in Córdoba, Argentina) in the context of their work with death. Addressing emotions allowed me to delve into different aspects of the gravediggers trade, such as the various meanings and representations they have of the complex material with which they work and particularly the forms that their work took on in times of pandemic: the arrival of new dead to the cemetery, which burst into everyday life as potentially dangerous/contagious. Focusing on emotions requires considering them as builders of knowledge, organizers of meanings that establish behavior patterns, ways of living and experiencing the world. Thus, the emotions, arising from their daily work, are relevant to understand the forms that the handling of corpses acquires in this cemetery.

   Keywords: Cemeteries – Death – Dead – Emotions – Work

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